Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The smell of spring

I loved opening all the windows today. I love the smell of spring & the way it makes my house feel. Something about the breezes I guess. Although, we don't have screens in our house, so we get lots of bugs. Fortunately, it's still early spring, so it wasn't too bad today. Carter & Chandler ran around all day with fly swatters, trying to kill gnats. Carter kept fussing wanting me to close the windows, but I refused. Mainly because our house doesn't smell so springs right now. Everyone is well today, but the smell of vomit reeks in our house... especially the boys room. I called Chem Dry first thing this morning & they worked me in at 9:30 am tomorrow.... yay!

My baby girl reached another milestone today.. she rolled from back to front. She's so lazy... has not been interested at all in rolling either way really, but she did accomplish the front to back roll a few months ago. I have noticed the past few days that when she sleeps, she's on her side. So it made me think she might be getting close. I've laid in front of her with video camera for 10 minutes at a time for the past month waiting to capture the moment & she never performs, so I just gave up. Wouldn't you know that today, I walk out of the room with her on her back & return to find her on her tummy & all smiles.

I spent the whole day cleaning again. We threw out lots of stuff last night (both of us refusing to clean the vomit from it), so I'm going to make a run to Wal-Mart tomorrow. The main thing I need to replace is my mini-vac. I've had 2 Shark Cordless vacs & they both died. Then I got the Dirt Devil one & didn't really care for it... main reason we decided to trash it. So now I'm debating what to get next. I've seen one of those infomercials for the Swivel Sweeper and thinking of getting one of those. Anyone have any suggestions?

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