Thursday, November 1, 2007

Trick or Treating

We took the kids trick or treating in our friends neighborhood last night (Reagan is with the boys in the picture below). This is the first time we've actually done Halloween the old fashion way. We his a few houses and Chandler said "this is the best Halloween ever". They were running way ahead of us and we could barely keep up. I thought for sure they would complain about having to walk so long but they didn't at all. They got plenty of candy and had a fun time with their friends. Here's some pictures from last night.

Okay this is totally unrelated, but I just had to post this. I made a cake tonight for a friend who's daughter is having an almost sleepover party. I thought the cake turned out so cute!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Singing to the tune of Dr. Suess

Okay, so Chandler has come up with a new way to read. I heard him last night, but didn't really pay attention to what he was actually doing. I heard it again tonight and asked him about it. He said he was singing the book... he was reading "Fox in Socks". I guess that's one way to make reading fun?

Monday, October 29, 2007


The boys having been playing golf for several months now. Since Corby is out at the Y golf course, they spent plenty of time out there this summer playing with Daddy and they are also in The First Tee program that Corby is running. I'm not a golf fan to watch or play, so the only involvement I usually have is to drop off or pick up... rarely I will ride the course with them on the golf cart. Anyway, I decided today that I would go watch the boys play since Corby said they are doing really well. I was so surprised. For little kids, I thought they did great (especially compared to the other kids in their class). Carter has never had a problem smacking the ball... sports seem to come natural for him... just like his Daddy! However, I've seen Chandler with the golf club and spaghetti arms many times in the back yard and just shook my head because it's so funny. I guess that's why today I was so proud. They were smacking the ball almost every time and Chandler's form has completely changed. I might just have the next Tiger Woods on my hands :-)... anyway, here's a few pictures of them.

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