Another year down. Seems like 2010 went by really, really fast for me. But alas, a new year is here & I'm gung ho to get it going. Here are some goals for me to accomplish this year (I'm gonna say goals instead of new year's resolutions)... and these are in no particular order.
- Start a mom/women's bible study book... or even possibly a Bible study group.
- Finish reading Bringing Up Girls and re-read Bringing Up Boys... by James Dobson.
- Say yes more often to my family and no more often to other stuff.
- Go through each room in my house & get rid of stuff
- Re-do the boys room & get a dresser to fit all of their clothes
- Get my business going more and do more advertising
- read to my kids more
- take more videos of my kids... I take way more pics than videos
-transfer all my vhs tapes to dvd
Ok... there you have it. I've blogged it so therefore I'm accountable. What are your "goals" for the new year?