Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Thru 30

I have several friends at Elevation Church. They are known for going through great studies church wide. One of my friends suggested that I go through the "New Thru 30" with them. This study is where you read the entire New Testament in 30 days. Whoa! So, I'm in!

It's going to be a big challenge for me but I am so excited to step into something this big... at least it's pretty big for me. It's a lot of reading... it has to be every day*...it's going to make me study more... it's going to challenge me like I spoke of in my last post...it's going to be good. Nuf said. It started on Monday, so already 2 days into it, but you can still join me & all the Elevators if you want to. Click on the graphic for more info & a reading guide.

*2 grace days are listed each week, so you have time to catch up.

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