.... and I know, I know, I know, I know... (I don't know the rest). Boy, that was an 80's flashback! Okay, so why am I excited... we bought a van. Well, not
officially yet, but we are getting the money tomorrow & going to pick it up Wednesday. It's NICE! We are all excited. We went to Charlotte to look at it tonight & all the way there the boys kept asking if we were going to buy it. Then all the way home, well, half way home, they asked again. We had to come home & think on it a bit. But lemme tell ya, this was a "God thing" for us I truly believe. We made an offer on it that was lower than the asking price. They guy said he was pretty firm on the asking price. We came home called him & said we want it, so we met in the middle

on price. Done deal. THEN... about 5 min later, he called back & said it was his in-laws van & they really wanted a family to have it that needed it, so he honored our original offer. Thank you Lord!
On another note, Kensley is sitting up pretty well now. She's stay about 2 or 3 min (or longer if she's not too excited). It's just "so stinkin adorable" as my boys would say. I forgot how cute 6 months is. She's so feisty & happy. She started laughing pretty good now. She got cracked up at Chandler this weekend & I was tickling her tonight & she was laughing. She's been eating squash for a few days & I think she likes it. She eats it much better if it's warm though. We'll start peas next... yumm... (not!).