Monday, July 2, 2007

A last bid farewell & some other stuff

We are done with fish. All of them have kicked the bucket and are in fish heaven. FYI... never buy fish at Wal-Mart. Yeah, they may be cheap, but they don't live very long. Wal-Mart is great for most things, but pets are not their forte.

So by the way, I LOVE the new car seat that I wasted countless hours searching & worrying over. I highly suggest it if you are in the market for a new one. It's the Fisher Price Safe Voyage & it's made by Britax... but about $100 less. The material isn't quite as plush & apparently there are some other perks this one doesn't have, but I like it a lot.

Kensley is growing up so fast. She will be 9 months this week. Agh!!! It's going by too fast. Anyway, her new thing this week is licking herself. When she eats, she always sucks her thumb in between bites. Obviously she gets food on her hand and when she is done, she licks herself until she's clean. Then, she started licking in the bath. She gets bubbles on her hand or soap & she looks at her hand, licks it, then smiles. It's hilarious! I'll post more about her "new" feats later on.

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