Thursday, March 29, 2007

Hello... anyone in there?

I recently read an email about a Mom who was going to bed. It's going around, I've received it a couple times so you might have read it. The wife annouces to the husband that she's going to bed & in the process she stops to do many tasks & like an hour later, she finally ends up in bed. Then the husband announces he's going to bed & he does... straight there. Oh my gosh! That is so me & Corby. But I'm not that way just at night, I'm that way all day long. I'll be doing laundry and find something in a pocket that reminds me I need to go get something out of the bedroom. So while I'm in the bedroom getting whatever "it" is, I see a load of laundry that needs to be folded and put away. So I proceed to fold & put away laundry. On the way to the closet to put something up, I step on a toy. So I take the toy to the boys room. While I'm there I pick up a few more toys to put away and I realized that I need to change their sheets. So I take them off the boys bed & go back to the laundry room where I see the laundry that I started putting in the machine. Then Kensley starts crying & it's time for her to eat, so I stop the laundry again and go feed her. By that time, I've probably talked to someone on the phone & they've reminded me of something I need to do. That's just one small scenario. I'm confused just writing all of that!!!! This is my life... everyday, 24/7. I never complete the task I set out to do. There is always something else that sparks in my memory & I get distracted by that, so I go do it so I won't "forget", despite the fact that I'll probably "forget" what it was that I was doing in the first place. Where did my brain go? I honestly think I birthed a little bit of it out of me with each kid.

Corby left for San Diego this morning. He's there for a First Tee conference (YMCA golf program) until Sunday. I feel sorry for him. He's used to going to bed or at least crashing on the couch around 9 or 10. He called me at 8:45 tonight & it was only 5:45 there. He hadn't even ate supper. He was so sleepy & they were getting ready to go to a banquet that started in an hour. He'll never make it. Probably about the time he gets used to the time difference, he'll be coming home. At least when he gets home, maybe he'll be able to stay awake longer. :-)

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