Things I love about Chandler...

-his fascination with firemen/firetrucks... (and police officers & EMT's). He likes to dress up a lot, but this is probably his fave. He really thinks he is a fireman sometimes & can talk a pretty good game with you on it.
-his gentle & loving nature. He is so tender & nurturing and very patient. He gets that from his Daddy. He most always thinks of others and what he can do for them.
-his blue eyes... they will make a girl melt one day.
-His creativity... to write a story, draw a picture, make something out of a box... anything. He's constantly churning over what he can "make" next. He gets that from me... :-)
-his "loveyness"... sometimes he'll curl up beside you & kind of makes you think he's a cat the way he will rub up beside of you.
Things I love about Carter...

-his ability to make up some far fetched stories & people (adults) really believe them
-his perseverance to do something. If he wants to do it, he WILL do it.
-his red hair. i love it! if i got money every time someone made a comment about it... i would be a rich woman!
-his ability to play sports... just about anything.... and be good at it. He gets that from his Daddy.
-the way he comes to me when he knows he's done something wrong and it's made me upset.
Things I love about Kensley....

~she's a girl and loves girly things like purses, baby dolls, hair bows, etc.
~Her personality is probably the cutest thing ever. She loves life and is always full of funny facial expressions & cute little words.
~The way she wants me to kiss boo-boo's and she really thinks it makes it better.
~The way she gets excited to see her brothers and her Daddy when they get home in the afternoon/evenings.
~the way she dances ANYTIME she hears music. It's likes it turns something on inside of her and she just has to let it out.
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