Sunday, February 1, 2009

Picky eaters

Has anyone seen the commercial for Chef Boyardee advertising a full serving of vegetables in each can? It's great! I laugh out loud every time I see it. I guess because I can relate so well with this mom. It has a family sitting in the kitchen & the kid is eating ravioli. The dad picks up the can & says "did you know that..." before he gets anything else out the mom turns on the garbage disposal and gives the dad a look. Then he starts to repeat it again & mom cuts him off again by taking a wooden spoon & banging the pots & pans hanging above them. Then the dad gets ready to talk again & the mom "shhhh's" him and turns her fingers around her mouth likes she's turning a key and gives him the look again. The kid is just staring at the parents the whole time. At the end of the commercial it says something along the lines of "somethings are better left unsaid".

I don't know why I find this so amusing, but I guess with my picky family I'll do whatever I can to get my kids to eat nutritious food. If one kid says something negative, the rest of them same something negative & pretty much refuse to eat it. Last night for example, we had battles at the supper table. We have a rule in our house, you have to eat three bites of everything before you get up from the table. I made pork... Corby happened to mention that it was a little spicy, so therefore the boys chime in ...."it's too spicy, i don't want to eat it". Then Kensley comes along "too pie-see, i not eat it". Ugh! My theory is, if you don't like it, fine... but eat your three bites and keep your thoughts to yourself. There is a slim chance that your siblings may actually like it before they hear your negative opinion of it.


Ashleigh said...

I struggle with picky eaters too! Is so hard to get them to eat good food. But, I was a picky eater as a child, so I guess I deserve it!

Heather said...

You're not alone Kendra. My kids are gonna turn into little chicken nuggets and fries any day now. I feel terrible but it is all they will eat. And Lily will LOVE something for two days so I will buy more of it at the grocery store and when I pack it in her lunchbox she comes home saying she doesn't like it anymore! Seriously, chicken nuggets, fries, triscuits, cheetos, and applesauce. That's it.

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