Corby & I are doing a small group Bible study right now... Fireproof Your Marriage & reading The Love Dare. I must say that it's pretty awesome! Everyday, I'm enticed to read and see what that's day's challenge is. It's made both of us more aware of how we act & react to each other. On day 3 the challenge was to buy your spouse something to show that you were thinking of them. I am so happy to show you what I got at work that day:

This is me & Kensley after a shower. She wants to do everything that I do, so I had to "turbie twist" her hair up too. So cute!

I've been on a mission for a craft desk for a while. I leave all my stuff out so that I can work on cards & such as needed, but it's always a mess & I tend to leave stuff out instead of tuck it away in it's proper place in my closet. I was so happy to find this desk the other day at Big Lots; of all places. I've told several friends about it, so I wanted to post a picture of my new work area. I have everything organized & it takes up much less space than my other table.

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