Monday, November 17, 2008

Shower Curtains

Okay, I need some feedback here. I'm on a mission for a shower curtain that actually does what it claims. Here's what I mean. I'm constantly replacing shower curtains because of the funk that develops on the bottom half after about a month or so. I've bought every "plastic" shower curtain in all price ranges from the $1 ones at the Dollar Tree to the $12 ones at Wal-Mart that claim they are some kind of special material that "resists mold & mildew" to the commercial strength ones to the $20 ones at Belk that have the little suction cups thingy's to keep the curtain closed. Thing is... they all are the same... they all mildew. Some may "resist" a few weeks longer than others, but I end up replacing them over and over and over and over... you get the idea. They are good for about a month & then the "funk" starts at the ends where the curtain always folds over because it's too wide for the shower. Then like BAM it's gross in a matter of overnight... the little black spots start creeping up towards the middle & there is no beating off the water or wiping this one clean. No matter how much I try to shake off the excess water & make sure to keep the curtain closed for it to dry, it will always need to be replaced.

So here's my question... what kind of shower curtain do you recommend? I've thought about buying a cloth-like one & washing it, but is it going to be worth it and will the "funk" actually come off in the washer? I need suggestions.


Just the way that I am said...

I have a clear plastic one on the inside that I think I got at Wal-Mart and when the funk starts I put it through the washing machine with my towels. Do not put in the dryer. I have had this curtain for I don't know how long and wash it when it gets nasty and it comes out like new. Then I have a cloth one on the outside that I wash when it needs it. I hope that helps.

EngineersFalcon said...

I have the two like Dori, but have never been smart enough to wash it. I try not wash my outside one thought because a lot of them tend to shrink.

Anonymous said...

Mix a solution of 1 part bleach and 3 parts water. Keep in a spray bottle. After you shower, spray the bottom of shower curtain. Then of course you need to wash your shower curtain at least once a month to keep down the mildew. Mildew can be very dangerous and can make you and your children sick.

Pollock Family said...

The only thing I've found to work is Tilex mold & mildew that I spray on the curtain to get the gunk off!

Pollock Family said...

Forgot to tell you the best part...with the Tilex, all you do is spray the curtain down and walk away. When you return, it looks like a brand new shower curtain again! Even the cheap ones! I just did this the other day so it reminded me to see if you've tried it?!?

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