Monday, August 25, 2008

The first day of school

It's officially a new school year. The boys started back today, much to their dislike... but you gotta send them anyway or the police will come & get Mommy & Daddy... (that's what we always tell them). It was a struggle getting them up this morning but we all manage to roll out of bed & get ourselves ready. I thought things were going pretty smooth until the initial separation happened... for both boys. Carter shed many tears & had lots of hugs and we left him crying. I gave Chandler a hug & walked him to right outside his room & then Corby took him on in. He had to come back for one more hug & was a little teary. Oh, I hope this isn't a sign for the coming months... they are going to be LONG if it keeps up. They had an okay day when they got home. I guess as good as can be after having the whole summer free.

Here's some pictures of my big boys sporting their new monogrammed backpacks this morning.

Chandler is in 3rd grade & Carter is in 1st


The Gardner Gang said...

I always pray like crazy for school to start and then feel a little sad when the day comes. The boys look great in their backpacks. Let me know how third grade goes, we have that to look foward to.

EngineersFalcon said...

I love the idea of taking their picture holding up the number of the greade level they are in - i think I will steal it! I will pray that the boys will adjust to the new year and leave you a little easier. I like the backpacks - you will have to tell me where you got them! Mine went to camp mornings this week and it about killed me, I can't imagine yet sending them off to school!

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