Thursday, August 21, 2008

School Orientation & WeeRuns

Today was the boys school orientation. I swear this was the fastest summer ever, but today confirmed it more than anything that I am ready for school to start back. It's just time... they are bored, my nerves are as thin as fishing line... it's just time. We got to meet their new teachers today. Carter has Chandler's 1st grade teacher, so it wasn't so new for us. Just a different go round. He's got 3 kids from his class last year, so at least he'll know a couple kids. His class has 23 in it & 14 of them are girls!!!! He seems to be excited... I hope he keeps the momentum. Chandler's teacher is out on maternity leave right now & won't be back until Nov. We met the sub today & she was super sweet. She's a retired teacher, so she knows her business. Kensley ran like a wild woman all over the school. She really thinks she's a big kid there. Everyone just ooo's & ahh's over her & how cute she his, but it really stresses me out with her being so loud & rambunctious (is that how u spell it????). Monday is the big day.

So I've talked... well, let's be honest... complained, about all the consignment stuff that I've been working on the past few weeks. To show you how much I've really had to do, here's a few pictures. Mom & Dad kept the kids when I left their house on Sunday and I picked them up at lunch on Tues. I devoted the whole day Monday to tagging & hanging. For those of you who have never been to my house... it's small, so this is A LOT of stuff sitting around. (keep in mind... this is ONLY clothes... no toys, baby stuff, big items... just clothes)

In the boys rooms, starting my piles. There is a rack in there as well that is stuffed.

Kensley's room. This rack is so packed, I had to put some other stuff in tub's below it.

The living room...more piles...the rack in the picture is full now 2 rows, top & bottom, on each side. Also there are 2 tubs in the floor with stuff in them.

4 more tubs in storage... still to be tagged (I did finish on Monday, that's why all my racks are stuffed now)


Amy said...

Thanks so much for the email! I've been reading your blog the last couple of posts. It is great to meet others through blog land! It's so exciting to have the kids go back to school, Anna's been in for three weeks already! Looking forward to learning more about your family!

The Gardner Gang said...

I can't say AMEN loud enough. Summer has been great but enough is enough. They are tired of each other and me and frankly I am tired of them. However horid that sounds it is true. I think what I am most looking foward to is routine.
Oh by the way sorting all those cloths dose not sound like my idea of fun. I think I will leave that to you and Missy. Love ya girl.

Heather said...

I would be SO ready for school to start back if I didn't have to go back with them!!!

Mommy Confidential said...

don't mention weeruns!!! i have five days and four and a half tubs, plus all the baby toys are GOING!!
I can't even think about it!

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