Monday, June 25, 2007

Say bye-bye to slow internet

We've finally made the crossover... we now have DSL. I was so excited to get a great deal and I have anticipated my set-up package in the mail since last week. Today was the lucky day & let me just say that I love it! I kept my email open this afternoon while I was working around the house & I kept scurrying to the computer every time I heard the little chime when you get a new email message. That could be bad...I may not get anything done for a few days. Nonetheless, it's great to be able to email attachments, open pictures & video & download in just a few seconds. I also was loving it while I was talking on the phone & downloading something at the same time. Woo, hoo!! So for you that I've told, don't send photos attachments.... send them on now baby!!!

I also had another pleasant surprise today. I stayed up really late last night in search of a car seat for Kensley. I've been back & forth for a couple months now. I found one that I liked at Wal-Mart, but not really any reviews about it. I found another one that I liked much better with great reviews, but couldn't find it in any stores... anywhere. I called all over Charlotte & no one carried it. I had just about decided to go back to my original choice. I just didn't feel like I could order a car seat online without looking at it first. I'm anal about some things & I needed to see it & touch it to make sure I liked it first. In one last attempt this morning, I called Baby Depot AND they carried it... AND they only had one left... AND it's cheaper than most places online.. another WOO HOO is deserved there. So, me & the kids are heading to Concord Mills tomorrow to pick it up... that is, assuming that I like it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't ya just love it!

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