Friday, October 29, 2010

Freebie Friday

So it seems this is a growing trend in blogger land... giveaways. I thought I might give it a try. The holidays are approaching and I'm trying to spread the word about Kendra's Creations. {Not to mention the fact that I love what I do} So why not share the love.

**I'm going to give away a free custom designed Christmas card layout.**

All you have to do is leave me a comment (make sure I know who your are) & I'll put your name in a drawing to be held on November 1st. Pass the word along to a friend & if they comment and tell me you referred them I'll put your name in the hat for every friend that enters {that's a thanks to you for helping me out}.

{Happy Friday}


EngineersFalcon said...

Yes please! I love your blog and your cards and will post on facebook too! This is so cool!

Unknown said...


Lindsay Hunt said...

Kendra, What a great idea!

Anonymous said...

Me!!! Put me in!!!! Oh and please krinkle my piece of paper for the drawing then draw the knrinkled piece. LOL!!!Great idea

Alexis said...

Awesome!!! You and Kevin should work together on the Christmas card thing...he takes the design the cards...bam..done!

Pollock Family said...

I want to win! You are so creative! :)

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