Friday, March 27, 2009

I Remember When: Growing Up

I'm continuing my "I Remember When" theme this week & today is a post for my parents and the memories they established for me. So here's to you Mom & Daddy and all the stuff I remember about home.

My Mom is a hairdresser, so I always remember her fixing my hair. One time in particular stands out to me the most...she put curlers in my hair & I remember sitting under the dryer in the laundry room & whining because it was taking forever. When it finally cut off, I said "thank GOODness!" I whined so much she even got the tape recorder out & recorded me. I remember baking during Christmastime while listening to Christmas music on the radio (still do this one). She would take me out to eat at Yamato's for lunch when I had an orthodontist appt. We love to shop together (as I got a little older) & she would sometimes take me to pick out one outfit per season (spring & fall) at The Limited... that was huge to me! I remember standing on a stool & watching my mom bake cakes & eating the leftover icing. I remember my Mom mowing the grass in a terry cloth halter shorts thingy and I just couldn't wait until I was old enough to wear one. And her shoes! Oh I wore them all of the time & begged to wear heels & remember the first time she let me wear them. They were Nine West navy blue pumps.

Daddy would always pick me up from MamMaw's during the week & a lot of times he would take me to City BBQ for supper & we ate livermush sandwiches & onion rings. He taught me how to hit a baseball... left handed and I learned to ride a bike (on an old bike that was my cousins & he spray painted it blue for me) at the little bit of flat grass we had at our house & Daddy running behind me to keep the bike up. We would go to the beach & stay at the Ocean Lodge. My Daddy walked to the Boardwalk to get us cherry dipped ice cream cones & ran back to the hotel before they melted. I remember when Daddy brought home my first dog... Flash. She was a basset hound puppy only a few weeks old & I freaked out when I got into his truck & saw her in the box at my feet.

I remember going out to eat supper at Western Steer on Saturday nights (with the pink or green ranch dressing) & going shopping at Kmart afterward & getting a bam-bam balloon (you know the kind you blow up, attach a string to it & beat it against your fist...). Watching Hee-Haw & The Muppet Show as a family. I remember having our Christmas on Christmas Eve a lot because my Daddy always had to work on Christmas Day and I just couldn't seem to wait any longer to open presents. Going to Homecoming lunches at our old church and eating outside under the trees & Mom always made cherry yum-yum (Mmmmmmm....) in a sliver pan with a lid. Taking trips to Julian Price park in the mountains & having picnics & walking trails around the river.

I love reminiscing about the old days (yeah, I'm not really old, but....). Thinking back to what life was like as a kid has brought many smiles to my face. So free & full of life with not a care in the world. Man, those were the days. I'm wondering what memories my kids are establishing?

1 comment:

The Gardner Gang said...

Probally not the ones that you would expect. That was such a sweet post Kendra. I wanted to tell you that you looked and sang great on Sunday. Its not quite fair that one person should have so much beauty, grace, and talent. God bless you and your kids this spring break.

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