Thursday, January 10, 2008

Liar, liar, pants on fire

I have a storyteller on my hands. I've posted previous stuff about this before. Carter is a big time fibber. Sometimes it's about little stuff & other times it's more serious. Today was a serious one. He told me that his teacher wasn't at school today. So I asked why & he said "she crashed her car into a tree." Very nonchalantly.... no big deal. I freaked & started into a million questions. Is she okay... was she hurt... is she in the hospital? To the last one he answered "yes", but she'll be back at school tomorrow. Oh my gosh! My heart sunk & I'm thinking, if she's in the hospital, she won't be back tomorrow! So I called his assistant to ask her about it. She wasn't there. I called a friend who's kid is in the same class. She wasn't there. I called another friend who's kid is in the class & he said she had an appointment. "Ding"... the light bulb went on. I played into his story. He is SO believable. Then I started drilling him again & saying "are you sure she had an accident?" and he started to cry. I knew it... the little stinker! So I called his teacher (should have been the first one I called, but I didn't think she would be there if she was in the hospital) to make sure all was okay & she laughed out loud. She loves his stories... apparently he tells a lot of them in school and says that he's going to be a great writer one day. Let's hope so, but for now he's writing his own story...I call it "the little boy who cried wolf". One of these days, no one will believe him when he IS telling the truth.

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