Thursday, November 15, 2007

Where is your promised land?

My friend Heather came and spoke at the Women of Faith night for the YMCA last Thursday. Props to her, but mainly God for using her to touch so many women... particularly me. I so needed to hear what she had to say. One thing that has stuck with me most is this. She talked about what our "promised land" is. Yes, as a Christian, our goal is to live our life so that we can reach the ultimate Promised Land. However, where are living in until we reach our final promised land? Right now, I'm living in the land of fighting siblings, bad attitudes, homework, squirmy baby, constant house work and cleaning. I often feel overwhelmed and tired and I just don't want to deal with the present. But I'm also living in the land of a sweet baby and loving boys, lots of hugs and kisses and teaching my children. I need to learn to be happy with what I have NOW...not focus on the "could have's" and "wish I had's." Sometimes I get so frustrated and angry and what I'M going through. It's all about me, me, me and what makes ME happy. I'm not looking at the bigger picture and seeing what I am doing to shape my family. That's what really grasped me that night. What am I teaching my children about the real Promised Land and how to get there? What kind of example am I being for them? Sometimes, it's not a great one. Ooooo... that hurts. All I need to do is go to God... pray... it's that simple. So, I just need to deal with it. This is what God has given me now... good or bad, frustrating or in the moment and share God's love with the people who I am closest to.

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