Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"This is ri-DI-culous!!!" (... or is it?)

That's a quote that came from our sons mouths when we told them last week that we were not going to watch TV for 7 days. Despite much arguing and complaining, the rules were set. No, it wasn't just a random thing we came up with & decided to do. We are part of a small group (studying a Chip Ingram video series) and 2 Sunday nights ago he (Chip) encouraged everyone to do without TV for 10 days. (We decided to do a week instead of 10 days b/c our group meets every week) Part of the lesson came from Romans 12: 1-2

"I urge you brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will."

The key in this is take off the old, be transformed & be renewed. So in order to transform our minds for a week, we had to take out all the bad stuff... news, tv programs, wasteful & mindless activity during the week... and fill it with good stuff... spending more time in God's word & being together as a family.

I must admit, I was a little nervous at first. I'm not so much a TV watcher but Corby definitely is. I thought I would be hard, but it wasn't. At all. I honestly didn't miss the TV or my regular shows in the least. The kids even did great with it. We have a lot going on during the week anyway so it's usually not a temptation for the kids to turn on the TV in the afternoons or evenings. I thought the weekend might be a problem and it turned out great. We spent more time with the kids, I spent more time in the afternoons reading my Bible and we got a lot more done around the house. When Sunday rolled around the TV came back on, Carter said he wanted to do it for another week...shows me that he liked it as well. This past week made me much more aware of how I spend my time. I've found myself last night at 8:30 with the TV still off and no urge to turn it on. Granted, I probably should give up the computer for a week instead of TV...that would be much more of a challenge for me.

I encourage you to give it a try. You will be surprised at how easy it really is.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

we gave up tv for lent and i loved it! when i say we i mean jacob and i. eisley doesn't watch that much anyways and the purpose behind it was that he and i would use that time to spend talking and reading more. it was great. i didn't miss it much at all!!

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