Thursday, March 18, 2010

Why do people do that?

Isn't a turn lane supposed to be for getting out of the way of traffic to to make a turn? At least 3 times in the past week I've either witnessed or been behind a car that has not done this. Nothing irks me more than to sit behind a car with it's blinker on to turn left while there is a perfectly clear, open, available left turn lane for them to merge into while they are waiting on the five-thousand cars to pass so they can turn. Pay attention people!

Sometimes I feel as if I am wearing a sign across my forehead that says, "Please, oh random person, tell me your life story." I guess some people are just very open & talkative. If I know you. Fine. I don't mind to listen to you. If I don't know you. Sorry, but I really don't care to hear about Aunt Bessie who just left her husband to go live in California with some random guy she met... or something along that line. But of course, I always act like I care. I guess that counts for something.

Customer service line at Wal-Mart. Please, oh please tell me why someone would return a 10 cent pack of ramen noodles. And better yet, why would customer service take it back???? I got in the longest returns line ever at Wal-Mart the other day. I'm kind of in a hurry because a friend is waiting in the car with the kids. But of course, they lady in front of my has to return the most random assortment of items. Ever. 2 packs of ramen noodles, 2 bottles of spray salad dressings, an opened box of applesauce, 2 movies, a small storage box, 3 easy mac n cheese individual bowls and some other random things that I don't remember. All while she's sporting some freaky looking LONG pig tails on top of her head... she's probably at least 40... and some skin tight leggings & a cropped shirt showing her mid section & back tatoo. Ewwww! I started feeling bad for being so judgmental & then started thinking that maybe she needed to return it because she needed the money. Then she whops out an iPhone & starts surfing the web. Ummmm... need I say more. Either I was way wrong or she needed to return the stuff to pay her cell phone bill!

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