Friday, October 10, 2008

Busy week

Sorry it's been so long since my last post. It's been a crazy busy week. We took the kids to Disney On Ice Wednesday night courtesy of MamMaw Wanda & PapPaw Dwayne. I didn't take my camera b/c I was afraid they wouldn't allow them in & I didn't want to risk the chance of possibly having my brand new camera confiscated. We walk in and I think everyone who was there had a camera & snapped pictures the whole night... rats! All of Corby's family was there, so hopefully I can steal a few pics from them. The kids had a good time. Kensley kept asking where Mickey, Minnie, Goofy & Donald were. They started the show & would come out b/w acts, but really that's about it. ***Note: if you go to a Disney on Ice show, take a coat. It was FREEZING in there. Corby said "we should have had a clue... Disney on ICE.... ice should have given us a clue that it would be cold. ***

Carter had a funny this week. It may not be that funny to you reading this, but we laughed the whole way home when he said it. We go to small group on Sunday nights. Our hosts names are Ross & Hazel. Normally their grand-daughters keep the kids for us every Sunday night while we meet, but this week they were busy so Ross kept the kids for us (this couple run a daycare... he's great with kids). On the way home we were talking about what they did and said something about "Ross". Carter busts out "his name is FROST???" I about peed in my pants.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Conratulations on your baby turning 2! Could you move closer to the midwest, so you could make my kids birhtday cakes? The Minnie Mouse theme is so sweet!

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