Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy 8th Birthday Carter Loo!

Little Carter loo-loo (that's what I used to call him) turned 8 yesterday. I just wanted to share a few tidbits about Carter to celebrate his 8th year.

On June 5th of this year he asked Jesus to be his Lord and Savior...Yay! I am so very proud of his decision and the fact that his Daddy & myself were the ones who lead him in that prayer. What an honor as his parents!

Carter lives up to his red-head... meaning...he is spicy & sweet. He's a very determined kid & is hard to back down. However, if you give him a gentle touch and a kind word and he is as tender as can be. I love that about him. He knows when he's done something wrong and will almost always come up to me and say he's sorry. He's a great teacher... especially to his little sister. He loves to sit down with her and play school. He's already taught her some of the multiplication tables! He's also a great brother. He will play whatever with whoever... even plays babydolls with Kensley. He's aspiring to be an "arther and drawer" (his words). He makes up stories and loves to draw pictures.

Carter is very athletic. He loves sports, any sport. He would probably say his favorite sport is football even though he has never played other than in the backyard.
He's fast as lightening and can woosh right by you with his road runner legs. (Probably would make a good football player but I'm not ready for that yet.) I tell him to put his energy into soccer. He's also a good student. Always gets compliments from his teachers about how respectful and polite he is.

I'm so very proud of my Carter... and all of my children for that matter. But today is Carter's special day. Happy Birthday Loo... I love you!

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