Sunday, February 24, 2008

Another good message

Our pastor continued the Authority Issues sermon series today. Today's topic was Parenting... check it out here. Click on part three.

We had the AWANA Grand Prix race tonight. This event is for the kids (and adults too) to race hot wheel cars for Chandler & Carter's age group and the older kids & adults raced wooden cars they made. This year they added a category for adults to enter. Corby entered a car and actually won 3rd place. He deserved it after all the work he put into this thing. I totally don't get it. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for him... but I don't get the excitement of building the car. I guess it would be compared to making cards for me (he could care less about that). He sanded, carved, poked, screwed, painted, etc on this car. It took him back to doing this as a kid. I can understand that excitement.

Corby is feeling a bit under the weather today. He's feeling congested, having the chills & was running a low fever tonight. I hope he's not getting the flu. I've Lysoled & cleaned everything around the house and washed my hands a lot. Please, Lord, I don't have time to get sick.

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