Saturday, September 13, 2008

Peanut butter, spiders & friends

This is a random array of subjects, but I've got some good pics the past few days of Kensley that I wanted to post. I gave her peanut butter for the first time a couple days ago. *Mental note: she's not ready to eat peanut butter... or I might should add, I'm not ready to give her peanut butter again. Here's why:

It was ALL over her face & in her hair, even in the creases of her eyelids.

We also played around with her hair the other day. She thought this was hilarious!

This is a pic of her & her best friend John Micheal. They were so cute in the bean bags watching their movie. It didn't last too long though.

Lastly, I opened up the bathroom blinds this morning to find this lurking in our window. This thing was HUGE! We even watched it eat a fly today like it was nothing. I killed it, needless to say.

1 comment:

EngineersFalcon said...

4yrOldPrincess is a firm believer that the more ponytails the better!

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