Monday, January 28, 2008

What is that noise?

Saturday night, I went to bed probably around midnight. I had just got comfy & almost asleep when I heard a big ruckus outside. At first I thought it was our neighbors coming in for the night, but it got louder & louder. So I got up & looked out my bedroom window. There was a cab in one of the driveways across the street and a woman standing outside of it yelling at someone sitting inside. Well the next thing you know, two women are out of the van hitting, slapping & rolling all over the yard fighting with a couple other people standing around watching them. Now, that's a sight you don't see often! The guy who lives beside of them, who works for the sheriff's dept, came outside & yelled something at them & they broke it up. The women were obviously drunk (hence the cab ride home) and kept yelling profanities at each other. The cab sped off like crazy.... I'm sure he was glad to get out of there. The police ended up coming & there was no more action so I went to bed. I felt like I was in high school watching one of those awful cat fights between girls. At least this time I had the comfort of my home to protect me.

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